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1. Money Back Guarantee-  If Write-A-Song  is unable to provide a melody and recorded song on CD of your poem or lyrics within 30 days of your order, then your money will be refunded to you completely.

You will receive a refund of $19.95;  if after listening to a rough draft of your song which we upload to our website, you change your mind and do not want us to continue. Internet access is required for this feature.

Write-A-Song  WILL NOT accept sexually explicit words or words which contain vulgar language.  We reserve the right to reject these lyrics.

1.  Copyright Information-  If you want your song protected under copyright laws, and we recommend it, the Library of Congress, which files all artists' works is available for your peace of mind.  We supply you with a copyright form filled out with our information, but you retain ALL rights to your song.  For a $30.00 fee, you can file the form with the Library of Congress.