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You are heartbeat of our society and the voice for the people.  You write about current events, natural disasters and various other subjects that fire your imagination.  You are the lyric and poetry writers and we salute you!!

Want to transform that lyric or poem into a song?  We can help.  We are a dedicated group of songwriters with over 30 years experience at writing our own material.  We use the latest digital processing and recording to give you the best product for your money.  We WORK with you and guarantee our work.  There are NO hidden publishing contracts, promises of putting your song on a label, songwriting clubs or any of those other practices we find offensive by other melody writing services.

You retain ALL copyright rights to your finished product.  We supply you with a copyright form with our information filled in as authors of the music, but you can do whatever you want to that.  In other words, you can file it with the copyright office or file it in the trash!!