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Write-A-Song Ordering Services

If you would like us to work on your song, please complete the order form on this page.
Your order is SECURE through PayPal.


How do you go about getting your lyrics or poem set to music?  First of all, submit your lyrics to us either by filling out the form you can access by pressing the button below, or mail us your lyrics.  We will evaluate them for FREE.  This means we DON'T accept all lyrics or poems.  In order to write a good melody, your poem or lyrics must be structured and have meter to them.

Or submit your poem or lyric to:

Voltaire Computers
1371 U.S. Rte. 11
Castle Creek, NY  13744
Attn:  Write-A-Song

Secondly, after submitting your lyrics or poem to us for evaluation, select the package you want to use, give us the style you want your masterpiece to be recorded with, pay and we'll get working!!

Basic Package

For your words, we: write music and melody, record your song with an instrument package using the style you choose. Your musical composition is mastered on to a CD and shipped to you within 30 days. GUARANTEED. This package includes: a lyric sheet with the chords we use for your melody (we try like heck to make your words fit a melody and ONLY alter them if you agree), a CD with your song on it and a copyright form for you to file.

Picture of our basic package
Picture of the contents of a Standard package (Beatle not included!)

Standard Package

For your words, we: write music and melody, record your song with an instrument package using the style you choose plus any other instruments that will embellish your song. Your musical composition is mastered on to a CD and shipped to you within 30 days. GUARANTEED. This package includes: a lyric sheet with the chords we use for your melody (we try like heck to make your words fit a melody and ONLY alter them if you agree), a CD with your song on it, another CD with all the files we create when making your song and a copyright form for you to file.


Deluxe Package

For your words, we: write music and melody, record your song with an instrument package using the style you choose plus any other instruments that will embellish your song. Your musical composition is mastered on to a CD and shipped to you within 30 days. GUARANTEED. This package includes: a lyric sheet with the chords we use for your melody (we try like heck to make your words fit a melody and ONLY alter them if you agree), a CD with your song on it, another CD with all the files we create when making your song, a karaoke track and a copyright form for you to file.